Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Overused College Essay Topics

Overused College Essay TopicsThe internet is a useful resource for finding, reading and evaluating how to write an effective college essay. As you read more essays from students who have been accepted to college, you will discover that many of them have been submitted with the help of online resources. These online resources include articles, blog posts, and email messages where you can get more information on how to write an effective college essay.One of the best ways to write an essay successfully is to combine thought and effort. Sometimes this may not be easy because you will encounter situations in which you have to write without having to think. However, if you think about your topic, then you will be able to come up with an essay topic that you know will be engaging and interesting.You can also work from an outline when you are trying to write an essay. This is a good idea because it will help you save time in the process of writing the essay. One tip that I would like to sha re with you is to make sure that your essay topic is applicable to your college career and where it fits in your career plans. For example, if you are planning to attend college in order to study photography, you should include that in your college essay topic.When you are writing an essay for college, you need to provide the reader with all of the necessary information in the essay. This includes details about your accomplishments, your feelings and your personal views. A good strategy to come up with a good topic is to take a good look at the specific skills and experiences that you are going to want to discuss in your college essay. Then, begin searching for topics that you know you are going to be able to use your skills and experience in a way that will help the reader to understand and appreciate what you have to say.Article writers have a lot of homework to do when they write a college essay. If you want to be an effective essay writer, then you will have to go through the sa me steps as article writers. And the best way to go about doing this is to go online and look for essays that are relevant to your own career or education.You also need to make sure that you research how to write an essay well when you are going to be writing a college essay. There are many websites on the internet that are all designed to teach people how to write a college essay. These websites will teach you tips and tricks that will help you in the process of writing a successful college essay.For example, if you are an author, you will be interested in researching how to write an essay that is interesting and informative. You will want to find the best resources that will help you make sure that your essay topics are compelling. Once you have learned the tips and tricks on how to write an essay, you will have a much better chance of writing a compelling essay.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

I Became Insane, With Long Intervals Of Horrible Sanity Essay

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ― Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is an American poet well-known for his eerie and gothic based themes. In fact, his tales of mystery and horror were the first to give rise to detective stories. In his short story, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† (1843), Poe invites us to experience a sinister and mystifying murder through the mind of the murderer, the narrator himself. This self-narrated tale takes place in a house that the narrator shares with an old man. The story’s focal characters are the narrator and the old man, both of whom are left nameless. It is probable that the narrator is telling the story from either prison or an insane asylum. He tries to justify his sanity; however, his actions prove otherwise. This tale revolves around the narrator s passion to kill the old man because of his â€Å"evil eye† and the obsessed mind of the narrator who hears the beating of the dead man’s heart—solely within his own tortured imagination which causes the reader to question if the narrator is mentally sane or not. By analyzing how Poe’s early life influenced his work, I will demonstrate how Poe’s story engages readers with two widely occurring, but rarely explored elements of human experiences: a guilty conscience and the descent into madness. He takes his inner emotions to the extreme through his work and portrays the message that a guilty conscience will drive you insane. I will be analyzing how Poe’s early influences affect theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s I Became Insane, With Long Intervals Of Horrible Sanity 1497 Words   |  6 PagesAs stated by Edgar Allen Poe, a prominent gothic author, â€Å"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity† (Poe). Gothic authors were known for writing about insanity, but also becoming insane themselves. Poe was one of the authors that were known for becoming insane after writing about it for so long. Gothic period authors use terror and horror throughout nove ls, as well. Gothic literature was written in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. American Gothicism adapted the writingRead MorePoe Essay809 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allan Poe said â€Å"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.† Throughout his short stories; â€Å"The Black Cat† and â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, Poe sets up his characters to subconsciously reveal their insanity. Often using syntax clues and patterns, Poe shows the madness of the narrators of his short stories. The constant theme of denial of insanity further convinces the reader of the character’s psychosis. Characters themselves often prove they are not in touch with reality through theirRead MoreEssay On The Tell Tale Heart815 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity†. A quote from one of Edgar Allan Poe’s more famous stories The Tell Tale Heart. Edgar Allan Poe’s writing is still famous to t his day. Not only his writing but his life. He is known for having a difficult life and writing about it in a not so obvious way. Through all his poems and short stories there are little hints everywhere that relate to his life. Depression, insanity and Tuberculosis were all common topics from Poe’s writing that relatedRead MoreThe Tell-Tale Heart Confession593 Words   |  2 Pageshis deceased corrs. The narrator confessed his crime for three reasons which were: he was insane, he could not deal with the heartbeat, and he wanted to noise to go away. The first reason for the narrators confession was insane. Edgar Allan Poe quotes â€Å"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity†(Poe). Poe means by this quote that things that he saw in the world while he was not crazy mad him insane. After the police came into the the narrators master’s, the narrator began chatting withRead MoreThe Shining, By Stephen King And Directed By Stanley Kubrick1299 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"I became insane, with the long intervals of horrible sanity†, Edgar Allan Poe. Madness is characterized by â€Å"the state of being mentally ill†, otherwise known as insanity. Twisted Fate, written by Norah Olson, and the book/movie The Shining, written by Stephen King and directed by Stanley Kubrick, are both examples of how the main characters fall into madness. The word sane is derived from sanus, which is a Latin adjective, meaning healthy. Therefore, insane would be classified as not healthy. ThereRead MoreThe Influence of Alcohol and Drugs in Edgar Allen Poe Life Essay991 Words   |  4 PagesThe influence of alcohol and drugs in Edgar Allan Poe’s life â€Å"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dreamed before† (Edgar Allan Poe). Darkness and sadness are strong characteristics of Edgar Allan Poe’s writing. The tragedies during his life, such as the death of his biological and adoptive moms, followed by the death of his young wife Virginia were important factors which formed his gothic style. Poe is known forRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s Life Filled With Sorrow And Pain892 Words   |  4 PagesFrances Allan, although never actually adopted him. John Allan moved his family to Britain in 1815 where Poe attended grammar (elementary) school in Irvine Scotland. He then attended boarding school until 1817(Wiki). After school, Poe proposed and became engaged to his fiancà © Sarah Royster. He then decided to attend the University of Virginia. Poe began gambling and acquired great debt. He fell out of touch with Sarah and this spurred on his addiction more. Eventually Poe ran out of money. He askedRead MoreUniversity Of Virginia Dismissal Essay1212 Words   |  5 Pagesthese debts–debts caused by his lack of generosity! I was forced to borrow money from merchants to pay for my schooling! I was left with no other choice but to gamble in order to pay it back! I had no other means to pay it back. He refuses to help me pay back this debt because I had gambled, but it was he who caused me to go such great lengths! He will not allow me to continue studying here. I will return to Richmond, what I will be doing there, I do not know. -Edgar https://www.shmoop.com/poe/timelineRead MoreThe Dark Side of Writing: Edagar Allan Poe and Stephen King Essay1478 Words   |  6 Pages Which Virginia at first was Edgar’s delivery woman of letters to love interests but then Virginia became Edgar’s love interest. According to Poe Museum’s website, Poe took Virginia and Aunt Maria Clemm to Richmond, Virginia, Edgar Allan Poe’s childhood hometown. This is where Poe decided to marry Virginia when she was only thirteen years old and Poe was twenty seven. Sadly, Poe did not have a long relationship with Virginia. Virginia was only twenty five years old. When Virginia died, Poe was veryRead More Journal Analyzing the Byronic Hero and Lord Byron’s Writing Styles3002 Words   |  13 Pageswith less of gloom†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Byron,C.H.211). He also represses his passions creating an unrequited obsession when, â€Å"He bids to sober joy that here sojourns: nought interrupts the riot, though in lieu of true devotion monkish incense burns†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and â€Å"had buried long his hopes, no more to rise: pleasure’s pall’d victim! Life-abhorring gloom.†(Byron,C.H. 193) In these remarks, the Hero prefers to bask in sorrow for a love lost or never attained than to pursue the object of his desire. The Byronic Hero prides

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Great Breeds of Dogs - 707 Words

Papillon Racial origin The papillon breed is one of the oldest races, pudenda recognized in works of art from Europe 700 years ago. An example is the painting of Titian Vercelli. Their country of origin is the United Kingdom, Belgium and France. They were first recognized by the AKC in 1935. Character and Temperament The papillons are very affectionate and playful. They like to go out and play in the outdoors and are stronger and more durable than it looks due to their size and softness. You have to socialize the dog well and mark them of their place in the family because if not they could possessive sometimes even jealous. They can be a perfect pet for all the family, plus you can do a great ride with them because of their small size. But they can live agitated and barking voice where they cannot because they have a protective instinct indentificar enough. The quality of this type of Buenos protects their families; provide â€Å"alarm â€Å"when they feel something is wrong, they are very good at agility activities. About the breed : The most remarkable feature of papillons , dogs or butterflies , are your ears full of feathers when erect gives the feeling that the whole face looks like a butterfly with outspread wings . The Papillon is a small dog with balanced body. Head slightly rounded, with a short, thin snout, which ended with a black nose. Dark eyes, black rounded profile and medium size. Covered with long coat, sleek and straight, they only have one layer of hair.Show MoreRelatedPit Bull Research Paper1537 Words   |  7 Pagesbulls are a Misunderstood Breed Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say pit bull theyre usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, someRead MoreMisconceptions About Pit Bull Terriers1295 Words   |  6 Pagesbetter to understand the breed and where they come from before making assumptions about the type of animal they are. The Europeans wanted a stout muscular breed that had feistiness to it that they could use for baiting or rat fights (pitbull411.com). Yes, it is true that the breed started off as a fighting dog that was used to bait bulls that were uncontrollable by their owners. But when Europeans migrated to the United States they brought their dogs with them and the breed took on a new job. AlthoughRead MoreGerman Shepherds : A Man s Best Friend861 Words   |  4 Pagesrelationship we tend to think about people who love dogs like I do. For many years, dogs have played a vital role in society, acting as part of a family, a â€Å"best friend,† and a guardian. Human beings tend to have a strong relationship with their pets to the point that they care for them as if they were their own child. Coming from a dog owner of many different kinds of breeds, dogs have always played a large role of my life growing up. One of the most first-rate dogs I’ve ever got the privilege to have and careRead More Akc Dog Breeds Essays709 Words   |  3 Pageseach group are dogs that have been breed for a specific use to help man do a job faster, easier, and more efficiently. â€Å"Every breed is assigned to one of seven groups, based on the uses for which the breeds were originally developed† (AKC.org). Mans’ best friend has been categorized into the: Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, Herding, a nd Sporting Groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Hound Group contains such popular dogs as the Basset Hound, Bloodhound, and Greyhound. There are 22 separate breeds in the HoundRead MoreHow Dogs Evovle1070 Words   |  5 PagesHow Dogs have Evolved Every wonder how â€Å"Man’s best friend† evolved? With over 350 different breeds, from the Chihuahua to the Great Dane, all dogs have descended from the Grey Wolf. The domestication of dogs by man dates back at least twelve thousand years. Domestication of the wolf may have begun with orphaned wolf cubs brought into villages and raised by children. Ancient man may have also started the domestication process by befriending wolves which helped them hunt and drive herds. (Kodat, 2002) Read MoreDogs Essay1004 Words   |  5 Pagesreligiously started researching dog breeds. I was comparing and contrasting each dog. What dogs are too big, too small, even too aggressive, or not aggressive enough. After a few hours, days, weeks of research I found the perfect dog breed. The Cane Corso (Kah-nay Korso) is an Italian mastiff that comes in multiple coat colors such as: Gray, black, brindle, red, formentino, fawn, and chestnut. The Cane Corso can weigh from 88 lbs. to 115 lbs. depending on the sex of the dog and how much nutrition andRead MoreEssay About Breed-Specific Legislation1166 Words   |  5 Pagesconcerns about the breed-specific legislation (BSL) in the Code of Marietta, Georgia 1996. In chapter 10-4 under â€Å"Dog parks and off-leash areas† it is stated that â€Å"Pit bulls and Rottweilers are prohibited from dog parks and off-leash areas,† unfairly suggesting that the two breeds are more prone to aggression and violent behavior than other dog breeds, despite extensive research showing that there is no correlation between a dog’s breed and its inclination towards aggression. All dogs have the abilityRead MoreEssay on The America Pit Bull Terrier 1614 Words   |  7 PagesThe America Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) was breed to be a sport dog, they are athletic energetic and a good companion. That being said over the years their reputation has dropped dramatically form once being Americas most popular dog to Americas most hated and feared dog. Pit bulls are nothing like the poor reputation that they have, they are very smart, loving, and friendly dogs. In America, dogs have become part of families and it is not taboo to see them treated, loved and taken care of as if theyRead MoreThe Issue Of Pit Bulls1590 Words   |  7 Pages Dogs seem to be one of the most common and beloved pets in our society. Many even consider their dog to be a family member. One thing that is especially great about dogs is that there are many different breeds of dogs out there that have different characteristics, and traits. Which gives people the option to choose the type of dog that is right for them, but one breed in particular has been banned in various places, and discriminated against that breed being pit bulls. Breed specific legislationRead MoreDog is Mans Best Friend Essay1128 Words   |  5 PagesBAM! Dogs, now a mans best friend. The most common pet, thanks to wolves. Now lets go way back in time before dogs existed. Now, wolves gradually evolved into dogs. A wolf and a dog are the same species. They also have the same DNA. Hunting dogs are more related to wolves. Some people long ago tried to breed dogs by changing their features. For example, a doberman pinscher got most of its tail cut off. Now they have such small tails! A corgi has a natural tail. A great dane has surgically

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Department Of Homeland Security Act Example For Students

The Department Of Homeland Security Act When one thinks of security, they tend to think of being protected, free from harm or danger. There are various security threats that the world faces today. Threats could range from a series of cyber threats to terrorist attacks. We are incessantly encountered with catastrophic man-made and natural diseases. The Department of Homeland Security measures the nation s vulnerabilities, meaning it takes initiative in leading and evaluating vulnerabilities and coordinating with other federal, state, local, and private entities to safeguard the most effective response. The creation of the country’s 15th Cabinet Department marked the largest reorganization of government since the Truman administration. The Department of Homeland Security Act was created a year after September 11th, 2001 to ensure the protection of the American border and the people; also to measure and monitor counterterrorism. Since 2002, there have been six Secretaries of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has the ability to impact and shape the agenda of how the United States of America executes and defends the various players that try to attack us. Secretary Michael Chertoff, when compared to the other five secretaries can be viewed as someone who had some gray areas, but successfully executed and transformed the duties of this position, which was sought before him. His work and expertise over the years as Secretary of Homeland Security through President Bush administration and the beginning of President Obama’s administration shows his ability to maintain professional and remain committed to protecting the American borders and people. To fully understand the role of Security of Homeland Security, one should begin to understand the organization of this role. Homeland Security evolved from a federal cry out or responds to crises. After the September 11th, terrorist attacks in the United States unalterable changed the status quo; because billions of dollars were being spent, several laws were written, policies were developed, creations of several agencies; but people were looking towards the government for guidance. According to the White House, the Department of Homeland Security was created to aid the President in strengthening foreign affairs, border patrol, and threats against America through potential threats, such as, cyberspace, fraud, and terrorist attacks. Congress formulated a document (formally known as the Homeland Security Act 2002), which established the Department of Homeland Security, as an executive department of the United States. Also, the mission of this department is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States. According to by O Hanlon , Orszag and et al (2002), the most important and primary role of Congress was to create what is seen today as the functioning organization Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security was created through the integration of twenty-two different federal departments and agencies into a unified organization (Chertoff, 2015). Unfortunately, the strategy that was best for this type of job is as followed: Acknowledging that while we must continue to focus on the persistent and evolving terrorist threat, we also must recognize that certain non-terrorist events that reach catastrophic levels can have significant implications for homeland security. By creating this department, it presented a reinforced homeland security enterprise and America that is more protected and better equipped to confront the threats we face short or long-term. After, the tragedy events of September 11th, 2001, Thomas J. Ridge a twice elected Governor from Pennsylvania became the first Assistant to the President for Homeland Security in 2001, in January 2003, became the first Secretary of Homeland Security. According to Secretary Chertoff, in 2005 after being nominated by President Bush he was already in place working on homeland security matters. Secretary Chertoff was already involved due to being in charge of the Criminal Division at the Department of Justice department. Secretary Chertoff was involved in the initial development of the counter terrorism strategy, after September 11th. He felt that he had familiarity with the issues that had surfaced and he believed that, â€Å"This job was very important and I felt comfortable with the issues that were at hand. Also, I felt that it would have been a patriotic move for me to step down from being a judge and take on the role of Secretary of Homeland Security.† (Chertoff, 2015). .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 , .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .postImageUrl , .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 , .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:hover , .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:visited , .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:active { border:0!important; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:active , .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6 .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub39052963caff20206e86e39ca5729e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Everyone remembers Michael Jackson EssaySecretary Chertoff is often the person that is constantly speaking or interviewing with media or the Council of Foreign Relations, or expressing what America needs to do in order to guarantee safety. However, to understand the role of Secretary Chertoff, one should first understand Chertoff from a different perspective. He graduated from Childhood did not shape his career. He grew up during the Cold-War period and different security environment. Years as a Federal prosecutor and dealt with many organized cases involving the Mafia. This mean that he had the familiar experience to investigate things. Influenced him to In 2005, Secretary Chertoff consolidated the twenty- two agencies in to on one department with the Six-Point Agenda. The six-point Agenda was the foundation for implementing policies. This was Secretary Chertoff’s stamp to ensure that the Department’s policies, operations, and structure are aligned and addressed in the best way when it comes to both present and future potential threats that face our nation. This six-point agenda was designed to guide the department to changes in homeland security and will: 1) Increase overall preparedness, particularly events, 2) Create better transpo use operation directory to unifying the planning and execution of the dept. wide initiative. DOD joint operations concerning military operations. Relationships with the other National Security Council: Very good relationships with the other members. Secretary Rob Gates very supportive of areas and authority with homeland security issues. Worked close with the senior people Sec. Rice. And the FB I and Justice dept. senior level smoothly among the various dept. bush focused on sec. issues. Clear between officials and made it possible to better understand security and involved. Making sure that every on he worked together. Gov. response Depends on the crisis and who the government has in that position that is willing out to carry out those duties. We have gotten better over time dealing with crises because we have different experinces. But this may not be the case always because different crises need different attention. Example that was used was EBOLA. Practice and proper planning. In closing, Emphasizing that as we secure the Homeland we cannot simply rely on defensive approaches and well-planned response and recovery measures. We recognize that our efforts also must involve offense at home and abroad (Protecting the Homeland). Prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks. To prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks in the United States, we are working to deny terrorists and terrorist-related weapons and materials entry. But we must continue to strengthen the foundation to ensure our long-term success. To fulfill these responsibilities over the long term, we will continue to strengthen the principles, systems, structures, and institutions that cut across the homeland security enterprise and support our activities to secure the Homeland. But this department will not in itself make Americans safer, but can at least make an attempt.