Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Norton Lily

PHASE 1 OF THE TURNAROUND Building The Foundation Jim Burton set about analyzing the melodic phrase with an emphasis on quick wins that would contribute to developing the long-term execution foundation. * He was dealing with seasoned industry veterans, each with deaply held beliefs and paradigms about the business how it had been and should be run. In an effort to build confidence and gain word sense among his senior peers ( it had to be an incremental approach) * With encouragement and support of the owner, burton first formed an executive committee of nine, including the five business whole.The objective in forming executives committee was to jump decentralizing the decision making fulfill away from the two owner. ( The owners non actively participate in committee sessions, but would instead attend compendious reviews, at the conclusion of each meeting, to provide counsel and advice ) * He was to transform the company and build the sustainable growth platform the owner wan ted Identifying and discernment Value Creating Processes Burton focused on its execution and on helping Norton Lillys executives understand the key processes that enabled good strategy execution and value creation. Burton first launced process mapping in the linier group, which operated in octonary different US offices * At the time, the facing division offered a fragmented mix of services across its eight location, with each location performing some activities more effectively than other location and completely location failing to provide adequate service in some regard * By late 2007, mapping the key processes involved in delivering each type of service had helped management and employee understanding of processes led to modify process standardization, end administrative procedures that duplicated work, improved costumer satisfaction, and penalties * By the end of 2007, Burton had assigned responbility for achieving KPI goals to individual managers and supervisor overseeing s pecific value creating process within the liner division Implementing a relaxationd Scorecard Performance Measurement System Accompanying the KPIs rollout was a balanced scorecard, wich further focused managerial employees maintenance on the performace of value creating process. Metrics included in the balance scorecard system used at Norton Lilly included process KPIs. costumer satisfaction and monetary performance * In late 2007 Norton Lillys balance scorecard system was expanded to included a dashboard of performance indicators that could provide overview of business unit level * The dashboard contained * Revenue compared to budget * Expense groupings compared to budget * Capital expenditures compared to budget merry-go-round 10 Costumer profitability * By the end of 2007 Norton Lilly business unit leaders were holding monthlymeetings to review KPI status and propose corrective action to resolve differences between expectations and actual performance Resource Allocation Pol icies different foundation building actions undertaken in 2007 included in the initation of various policy changes. One such policy change involved the companys metropolis outlay policy, which was the first new policy established by the executive committee. * The capital outlay policy came about after Burton discovered that the company had variously launched into a number of ventures without much success. The policy called for a nine step due diligence process, that nine steps were as follows 1. comment of the opportunity 2. Description of how the opportunity fit with Norton Lillys objectives 3. Assessment of the competitive threats 4. Assessment of the competitive landscape 5. How success whouldbe ensured 6. Proposed go steady strategy 7. Business case 8. Financila pro forma 9. inclination of major assumtions and risk * The capital outlay policy would ensure that decision to entef into any business venture would be fully vetted, based on fact, not opinions Building Managerial Talent Throught out 2007 Norton Lilly focused on another important foundation building element management development. * Burton introduced a leadership evelopment chopine that matched a persons profile to a job, the program was based on the fundamental premise that managerial employees could be classified into one of quadruplet basic profil stategist, project director, networker or external qualifier * After being tested and profiled, the 20 highest-rangking employees at Norton lilly entered into workshops directed at helping members of the management team up interpreteach profile and respect and deal effectively with differing profiles PHASE II OF THE TURNAROUND REINFORCING THE FOUNDATION The effort undertaken during Phase 1 of Norton Lillys turnaround had produced a lucrative fiscal 2007, which was the companys first profitable year since 2003. Improving Information Used for Decision Making Dashboard were also expanded to all of Norton Lillys business units.Linerm Ship servic es, and Overseas. As well as the addiction of Financial measures such as cash flow and accounts receivable KPIs ever-changing Financial Performance Expectations Burton initiated another policy change in 2008, although less a stated policy than a mindset. * The concept of value creation was introduced at an executive committee meeting in late 2007 and became the basis for all 2008 budgeting * The concept of earning a fair rate of return based on off-key risk didnt exist at Norton Lilly, so as apart of the 2008 budgeting exercise each business unit leader was given a coast target A NEW APPROACH TO FORCASTING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Provide repetitive refreshing of the assumptions underlying the forecast * Provide the company a continual look at its next 12 months, regardless of how many months were left in the calendar year The move to rolling forecast helpd managers improve portent accuracy to the extent that the company missed its financial projections. TAHAP 1 DARI TURNAROUN Memb angun Pondasi Jim Burton berurusan dengan veteran industri berpengalaman, masing-masing dengan keyakinan dipegang dan paradigma tentang bisnis bagaimana hal itu telah dan harus dijalankan. Dalam upaya untuk membangun kepercayaan dan mendapatkan penerimaan di antara rekan seniornya (itu harus pendekatan inkremental) Dengan dorongan dan dukungan dari owner, Burton pertama membentuk executive committee of nine, termasuk lima bisnis unit. Tujuan dalam membentuk executive committee adalah untuk mulai desentralisasi proses pengambilan keputusan dari kedua owner . owner tidak aktif berpartisipasi dalam sesi komite, melainkan akan menghadiri abstract review, pada akhir / kesimpulan setiap pertemuan, untuk memberikan nasihat dan saran) Jim Burton mengubah perusahaan dan membangun sustainable growth platform Mengidentifikasi dan Memahami Value Creating Processes Burton berfokus pada pelaksanaannya dan membantu Norton Lillys executives memahami key process yang memungkinkan strategi ekseku si yang baik dan penciptaan nilai. Burton pertama meluncurkan proses pemetaan pada kelompok kapal , yang beroperasi di delapan kantor yang berbeda o Pada saat itu, divisi kapal menawarkan berbagai pelayanan terfragmentasi di delapan lokasi, dengan masing-masing lokasi melakukan beberapa kegiatan yang lebih efektif daripada lokasi lain. an lokasi semua gagal untuk memberikan layanan yang memadai dalam hal tertentu Pada akhir 2007, pemetaan key process yang terlibat dalam memberikan setiap jenis layanan telah membantu manajemen dan karyawan memahami proses untuk memperbaiki proses standarisasi, mengakhiri prosedur administrative yang tidak efektif , meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Pada akhir tahun 2007, Burton diberi tanggung jawab untuk mencapai tujuan KPI untuk manajer individu dan supervisor mengawasi spesicific value creating process dalam divisi kapal Menerapkan Kinerja Balance Scorecard Sistem Pengukuran Seimbang Sistem balanced scorecard fokus ke perhatian manajerial karyawan pada performance value creating process.Metrik yang termasuk dalam sistem balance scorecard digunakan di Norton Lilly termasuk proses KPI kepuasan pelanggan dan kinerja keuangan Pada akhir tahun 2007 sistem balance scorecard Norton Lilly diperluas untuk memasukkan dashboard indikator kinerja yang dapat memberikan gambaran tingkat unit bisnis o Dashboard berisi Pendapatan dibandingkan dengan anggaran Pengelompokan Expence dibandingkan dengan anggaran Pengeluaran modal dibandingkan dengan anggaran Top 10 Costumer profitabilitas Pada akhir tahun 2007 para pemimpin unit bisnis Lilly Norton memegang monthlymeetings untuk meninjau status KPI dan mengusulkan tindakan korektif untuk mengatasi perbedaan antara harapan dan kinerja aktual Alokasi sumber daya Kebijakan Tindakan membangun pondasi lainnya dilakukan pada tahun 2007 termasuk dalam inisiasi perubahan berbagai kebijakan.Salah satu perubahan kebijakan tersebut melibatkan kebijakan pengeluaran modal perusahaan, yang merupakan kebi jakan baru pertama kali didirikan oleh komite eksekutif. Kebijakan pengeluaran modal muncul setelah Burton menemukan bahwa perusahaan telah meluncurkan beberapa usaha tanpa banyak keberhasilan. Kebijakan menyerukan sembilan langkah due diligence process karena sembilan langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut 1. Deskripsi kesempatan 2. Deskripsi bagaimana kesempatan fit dengan Norton Lilly objectives 3. Penilaian terhadap ancaman kompetitif 4. Penilaian terhadap kompetitif landscape 5. Bagaimana keberhasilan bias dipastikan 6. Usulan exit strategy 7. Kasus bisnis 8. Financial pro forma 9. Daftar asumsi utama dan resikoKebijakan pengeluaran modal akan memastikan bahwa keputusan untuk masuk ke setiap usaha bisnis akan sepenuhnya diperiksa, berdasarkan fakta, bukan pendapat Membangun Bakat Manajerial Norton Lilly terfokus pada perkembangan foundation building elemen management development yang lain Burton memperkenalkan program pengembangan kepemimpinan menyesuaikan profil seseorang se suai dengan pekerjaannya , program ini didasarkan pada premis dasar bahwa karyawan manajerial dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam salah satu dari empat profil dasar stategist, direktur proyek, networker atau eksternal kualifikasi Setelah diuji dan diprofilkan, 20-rangking karyawan yang tertinggi di Norton lilly engadakan workshop diarahkan untuk membantu anggota tim manajemen saling memahami, menghormati dan menangani secara efektif. FASE II DARI TURNAROUND Memperkuat Pondasi Upaya yang dilakukan selama fase 1 dari turnaround Norton Lilly telah menghasilkan fiskal tahun 2007 yang menguntungkan, yang mana ini menjadi tahun pertama yang menguntungkan perusahaan sejak tahun 2003. Meningkatkan Informasi Digunakan untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Dashboard juga diperluas ke semua unit bisnis Norton Lilly. Serta penambahan ukuran finansial seperti arus kas dan rekening yang piutang KPI Mengubah Harapan Kinerja Keuangan Burton memulai lagi perubahan kebijakan pada tahun 2008, walaupun kurang kebij akan dinyatakan dari pola pikir.Konsep penciptaan nilai diperkenalkan pada pertemuan komite eksekutif pada akhir 2007 dan menjadi dasar bagi semua penganggaran 2008 Konsep a fair rate of return berdasarkan risiko diasumsikan tidak ada di Norton Lilly, sehingga terpisah dari budgeting exercise 2008 masing-masing pimpinan unit bisnis diberi target marjin Pendekatan baru untuk peramalan kinerja keuangam Meng-udate atau refresh terus-menerus asumsi yang mendasari forcasting Memberikan perusahaan melihat terus-menerus pada 12 bulan berikutnya, terlepas dari berapa bulan yang tersisa di tahun kalender. Hal tersebut membantu manajer meningkatkan akurasi peramalan saat perusahaan membutuhkan proyeksi keuangan.

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